XD100 - Official - Lickliter Amps (KPA)
28 officially released profiles that seek to recreate the sound of the Lickliter Amps "XD100" amplifier for the Kemper Profiling Amp. The XD100 is a 100 watt, EL34 loaded ripper of an amp that delivers tones ranging from light crunch to all out British-style Hard Rock / Heavy Metal. Featuring 2 modes (Vintage 3 gain stage / Modern 4 Gain Stage) and a 3-way bright switch, this pack is great for both single coil and humbucker loaded guitars.
These are strictly amp sounds, no boosts. I leave it to you, the user, to add any extra "sauce" as you see fit!
I did my best to capture what I feel are tones on each channel that represent the best of what the amp has to offer.
Included in the Pack are:
• 28 DI Profiles for the Kemper
PLEASE make sure to read the "About" page for info on the order/delivery process for capture packs.
Captures are sold as a single non-transferable license for use by the original purchaser.
*Any trademarks are the property of their owners. Wicked Tones has no association with them unless labeled "Official" in the product name. Otherwise, product names are only stated to describe the equipment used.